In this talk, Professor Naber will analyze the limits and possibilities of coalitional BIPOC movements in the U.S. that have strived to end anti-Blackness and U.S. imperialism simultaneously. Professor Naber will develop her analysis through the lens of decolonial feminisms while focusing on the significance of coalitional politics, or “joint struggle,” to the field of Middle East Studies.

Seminar 5: Protocols of Revolutionary Feminisms to Re/make the World Video

Nadine Naber, PhD. is a public scholar, author, and teacher from Al-Salt, Jordan and the Bay Area of California. Nadine has been co-creating connections, research, and activism among scholars of color and social movements for the past 25 years. She is author/co-author of five books, an expert author for the United Nations; co-founder of the organization Mamas Activating Movements for Abolition and Solidarity (MAMAS); co-author of the forthcoming book, *Pedagogies of the Radical Mother* (Haymarket Press); and founder of programs such as the Arab and Muslim American Studies Program at the University of Michigan and the Arab American Cultural Center at the University of Illinois.