Liberate Your Research Blog

Disarming the Gatekeepers

Do you ever find yourself obsessing over what gatekeepers are going to think about your work? Have you ever feared that you may not survive an academic evaluation? Of course, hierarchical academic structures–reviews, tenure evaluations, etc.–create the conditions that foster these anxieties. Disciplinary conventions rooted in white supremacy and racist/classist/heterosexist gatekeeping intensify these anxieties for

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How to Write-Out Your Theoretical/Analytical Approach

Do you ever feel like you “can’t write theory”? If so, you’re not alone. Most of my workshop participants say that “writing theory” makes them feel: tortured | overwhelmed | stuck | in chaos | like an imposter But it’s not you! It’s what Barbara Christian affirmed decades ago—that dominant disciplinary structures distinguish between analytics that deserve to be counted

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Stop Giving Your Power Away

Academic oppression is breaking us. Nearly every social justice-based scholar I know goes through it—especially junior BIPOC scholars. Despite our expertise, many of us question the very worth of our scholarship within the university. The university’s competitive, capitalist structures lead us to believe that we are never enough. Writing under the scrutiny of evaluations, gatekeeping,

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