Over the years, I have been paying attention to the anxieties radical scholars face: imposter syndrome, overwhelm, and fear. Over and over, people tell me things like: I spend 50% of my writing time constrained by these anxieties. I go through complete despair. It...
How to Name and Claim Your Theoretical Approach
Since I launched Liberate Your Research, one thing is now more clear to me than ever before. Radical scholars, especially interdisciplinary activist scholars, face disproportionate levels of overwhelm and anxiety in academia. Lacking go-to theories, or theoretical...
Parable One
Artwork by Cristy C. Road. In the early 2000’s, I was part of a US-based women and gender non conforming people of color movement focused on ending state violence. We would meet in cities like Chicago and New Orleans and sit together for hours on end with our poster...
The Academic Hokey Pokey
My journey to launching Liberate Your Research began more than 20 years ago when I was a graduate student in cultural anthropology. I learned quickly that academia was not immune from the culture of individualist capitalist competition and racial and class violence. I...
“Joint Struggle: A Decolonial, Abolitionist approach to Middle East Studies” w/Nadine Naber
Seminar 5: Protocols of Revolutionary Feminisms to Re/make the World
Click here for video with ASL.