Lara Deeb, Professor, Anthropology, Scripps College
Dr. Naber’s analysis is regularly cited in publications such as Truthout, Chicago Reporter, WBEZ Chicago, Chicago Tribune, Ms. Magazine, and CBS News among others.
New UIC Study Examines Experiences of Chicagoland Arab Americans
A groundbreaking study out of UIC’s Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy finds that Chicagoland Arab American communities face widespread racism and a lack of support and resources from government agencies. Co-author Dr. Nadine Naber of “Beyond Erasure and...
Caregivers On The Front Lines of Chicago’s Abolitionist Movement
Originally published in Prism here. Ten parents (nine mothers and one father) make up Mothers of the Kidnapped (MOK), the feminist abolitionist collective partnering with the United Nations to demand Illinois officials pardon all survivors of police torture and...
From Palestine to US Prisons, Radical Love Can Guide Our Fight for Liberation
Op-ed by Amira Jarmakani , Nadine Naber , Monica Ramsy originally published in Truthout here. What will your conversation heart say this Valentine’s Day? Will it replicate the possessive politics of modern heteronormative love — summed up by...
Often Overlooked, Chicago Arab Americans Face Widespread Racism, Groundbreaking Report Finds
Originally published on CBS Chicago here. CHICAGO (CBS) -- Arab Americans across Chicagoland experience discrimination and inequities in all areas of life – from the workplace, to schools, to their interactions with police, according to a first of its kind report...
America’s Greatest Export
Dr. Naber was recently featured on iHeartRadio as part of the podcast Rep. The podcast episode can be found here on Spotify. Please fast-forward to 33:30 where Dr. Naber's part begins.
MAMAS Speak Out On Roe v. Wade: ‘We need to couple the fight for Roe v. Wade with multiple fights at the same time’
Originally published by Darcel Rockett in Chicago Tribune here on May 26, 2022 It’s been three weeks since the U.S. Supreme Court’s leaked draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was made public. Striking down the 1973 decision would end federal protection for...
Alaa Abd El-Fattah Is a Political Prisoner in Egypt. US Aid Is Funding His Jailers.
Originally published in TruthOut here, this article was written by Nadine Naber and Atef Said. Incarcerated for most of the last 10 years, renowned Egyptian activist, voice of the Arab Spring revolutions and political prisoner Alaa Abd El-Fattah began a hunger strike...
Let’s Work for Global Anti-Imperialist Reproductive Justice This Mother’s Day
Originally published in TruthOut, Across the United States this Mother’s Day, the right to have control over one’s body is under attack. More than 530 abortion restrictions have been introduced in 42 states. The Supreme Court is on the precipice of delivering a lethal...
Let’s Stand with Afghan Refugee Women
Originally published in The Chicago Reporter here For 20 years, the U.S. proclaimed it went to war in Afghanistan for humanitarian reasons. The U.S. maintained it was “saving women” to secure democracy, advance women’s rights, or ensure the destruction of the Taliban...
To Honor Desmond Tutu, Illinois Should Rescind its Anti-Palestinian Legislation
Originally published in The Chicagor Reporter As we consider the past, many people living in the U.S. believe they would have supported the civil rights movement, even in the face of the white supremacists of the KKK and the Jim Crow stalwarts in Congress. If old...
Chicagoland Study Shows Why We Need a MENA Category in The U.S. Census
Originally published in The Chicago Reporter We have major problems in this country in how we think about and get appropriate government assistance to Arab Americans. Social workers, translators, housing and transportation experts, health workers, and community-based...