Aisha Subhan, Student, Islamic and Interreligious Studies, Chicago Theological Seminary

Dr. Naber’s workshop inspires participants to step into their power. After the workshop, I felt as if I entered a new realm not often associated with the competitive and daunting atmosphere of academia– one that insisted my creativity, insights, and developing work were important and worth pursuing. I now feel grounded, inspired, and motivated. So thankful to Dr. Naber and her willingness and enthusiasm in guiding and empowering others.

Hannah Manshel, Assistant Professor, English, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

I’m grateful for such a generative, helpful, and honestly healing workshop. It was a great experience to get to learn from Nadine and participate in the kind of community building her workshop fosters. I’m extremely grateful for the feedback Nadine gave me. It was super empowering to feel like my research has a purpose and that I have the power to assert that purpose!

Dorothy Holland, Professor, Cultural Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Before I participated in Nadine’s Liberate Your Research workshop, I was filled with trepidation about a challenging new project that seemed to be pulling me far afield in subject matter and totally outside my usual methods. I was filled with doubt and dread. During the workshop, that all changed: with Nadine’s great care and illuminating insight, I was able to gain clarity and ownership of the research project. I could see how it relates to my core beliefs, as well as my prior work. And, led by Nadine’s amazing guidance in embracing your own methodologies, I felt both relieved and empowered to see how my methodologies were both fitting and necessary. Nadine is an amazing facilitator and guide: her sensitivity, care, and generosity of spirit are truly inspirational.

Kathryn LaRoche, Assistant Professor, Public Health, Purdue University

I participated in your Liberate Your Research workshop with the Association of Feminist Anthropology. Since then, I’ve been on the job market for a tenure track position. I just signed the offer letter for my dream job and I truly feel like your workshop was invaluable to me in thinking through how to talk about my work during the job talk and interview process. I have an interdisciplinary background in public health, gender studies, and anthropology, and it can often be challenging to effectively communicate about my work to these different audiences. Your workshop gave me a helpful lens to cut through those differences and also helped me to feel connected to my own research at a time when I was really struggling to do so. Beyond that, it was incredibly validating to be around other people in the academy who were feeling similarly. I felt less alone after your workshop than I had in months.

Leslie K. Morrow, Doctoral Candidate, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Nadine’s coaching helped me acknowledge my power and stop giving it away to the harmful and toxic academic-industrial complex. Nadine helped me minimize my reaction to what others think about me by helping me learn to empower myself with what uplifts and nourishes me, to make the worries smaller, and remember why I do what I do. I miss my conversations with Nadine, but her words and what she taught me will forever shape my pedagogy and personal life. It was indeed a life-altering experience. There are not nearly enough people like Nadine who care and are willing to share their unique gift(s).

Alix Johnson, Assistant Professor, International Studies, Macalester College

As Program Chair for the Association of Feminist Anthropology, I helped to host Nadine in leading her Liberate Your Research Workshop for our membership. The hunger for this kind of gathering was immediately apparent in the number of enthusiastic applications we received. At the workshop, participants across different career stages connected through Nadine’s thoughtful prompts and activities, and at the end I was thrilled to hear the group share how much they had gained – including practical strategies, validation, and community care – from the event. We look forward to hosting Nadine again!