
Nadine Naber was an excellent public speaker on the topic of Islamophobia. Her explanations were easy to understand. She answered difficult and emotional questions from the audience well and gave helpful next steps that audience members could take.

This was a powerful presentation. I have spent a considerable amount of time thinking and reading about these issues. Nadine still put feelings to words in a way I have not heard before. The examples she used were painfully real and easy to understand. I feel like I have a clearer framework to have these conversations with friends and co-workers. I now feel better able to serve Arab students and families in my job.

Omar Baz Radwan, Assistant Professor, Comparative Literature/English, Dublin City University and LAU

I got introduced to Dr. Nadine Naber through a colleague in the field and I worked with her on key manuscripts for my academic career and revised scholarly works and proposals. I am still working with Dr. Naber and I feel lucky to have had this opportunity for so many reasons. Dr. Naber has a very special way of helping others organize and claim their methodology and argument. She listens intently and understands one’s career goals and needs. She showed me how to present my work in a more distinctive and revealing way, how to name and claim my argument, methodology and theoretical approach. She organized and strengthened the content and structure of my book proposal, revised and meticulously edited major scholarly documents, and, most significantly, grounded my work more solidly in its proper location, both theoretically and pedagogically. She also helped me bring out my argument and its importance in the relevant academic field of study for my book publication. Dr. Naber fully understood my career goals and objectives and she helped me organize and channel my thoughts and vision in a very collaborative and professional manner. She is truly an academic life changer, and I am one of the lucky ones to have her as my academic consultant.

George Karam

About half a year has passed since I came out, and the access to works like yours have never made me feel more powerful standing in my truth. And for that, I thank you. Please continue to do what you do in representing the Arab-American community, your reach is further than you think.

Nora Heide

Nadine led workshops on social justice for my 4th and 5th grade classrooms covering topics like racism and sexism, fair trade, how to challenge stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims, and how to envision the future of yourself and your community. Students loved her visits because the topics and delivery were engaging and relevant. I found her workshops to be incredibly inspiring for my students! Any teacher or school interested in empowering their students should invite Nadine to lead a workshop.

Stan West, MFA, Adjunct, Columbia College Chicago

I attended Nadine Naber’s lecture on racial inclusion at Oak Park’s Irving School. It was awesome to hear such a comprehensive and nuanced perspective on Muslims, non-Muslims, Arabs, non-Arabs and Africans in the Americas. I didn’t want to leave but I was already 45 minutes late for my French class. Witnessing such a sterling/stellar presentation was well worth the wait.

Donna Rolf

I’ve heard Nadine speak on 2 different panels. She stood out as exceptional. She captivated the audience with her content and delivery. Nadine would be a great speaker for teacher institutes, social justice advocates, mental or medical health professionals, educational events, and religious institutions.


I attended this event with two white friends. Both felt the need to bring this issue back to their schools. One friend wanted to put Arab/Muslim issues more explicitly in her PTO’s equity statement. The other friend worked with her school to bring in a speaker on Arab culture to present to the students at her children’s school. The talk helped these women think about this issue related to Islamophobia and Anti Arab racism and take action. Nadine was able to connect with audience members parent to parent and had a good grasp of how to speak to educators. She would be great speaking at functions targeting parents. She would also do well presenting  as a part of anti-bias training for teachers.

Chris Lymbertos

Dr. Naber’s was a key speaker at our 10 year anniversary event. I’ve also seen her speak at smaller educational and community events. She has a wealth of knowledge and a great presence. She breaks down information and makes it relevant so that it speaks directly to the audience she’s presenting to. It’s very visible folks are engaged and interested.

David Stovall, Professor, Black Studies, University of Illinois Chicago

I’ve had the opportunity to hear Dr. Nadine Naber on numerous occasions.  In every instance I am impressed with her intentionality in drawing connections between political struggle and scholarly inquiry for the purpose of coalition building.  Anyone interested in intersectional praxis and racial justice in the form of authentic community engagement would definitely benefit from hearing her speak.